Saturday, February 27, 2016

Life from Death

I wrote last month about the death of a national man who was brutally murdered on New Year's Day. It (understandably) caused quite the uproar in the community for a time. Lots of unrest and anger directed at the murderers and their families. Lots of hurt and anguish over the sudden loss.

But there has also been healing, and some unexpected blessings in the wake of this tragedy. God definitely has used it for good, just as He promises in Romans.

We've seen quite a bit of growth in the local national church over the past few weeks as more young people have been coming to the Sunday service. I think this man's death shocked and scared them, since he was not much older than many of them. It has caused them, and many others in the community, to evaluate their lives and what they are living for. And, through the faithful instruction of Pastor Jephet, several have trusted in Christ alone for salvation.

Once again, God brings beauty from ashes. Life from death. I'm so thankful to serve a living, active God who is intimately involved with the details of our everyday lives! And I'm thankful that we have the opportunity to be here in PNG to share that truth with those who have never heard it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Guess the Song!

My last post was about how we've been getting more and more familiar with Pidgin (the trade language here). Ok, well, for those who have been wondering what Pidgin looks like, this post is for you!
The Pidgin song book we use in church
We've been helping lead worship on Sunday mornings at the local national church, so we've learned a lot of songs in Pidgin, which has been really fun! Many of them are translations (or re-writings) of English hymns.

So, anyone (who doesn’t already know Pidgin) want to guess what well-known English hymn this is? I’ve distinguished the verses and choruses for you, if that helps any. :)

Verse 1
O Papa God, taim mi gat planti tinting
Long olgeta samting yu yet wokim
Mi lukim sta, mi harim klaut i pairap
Olgeta samting soim strong b’long yu

Mi litimapim biknem bilong yu
Yu yet yu God, yu Bikpela
Yu Nambawan, yu antap olgeta
Yu wanpela, yu Bikpela

Verse 2
Taim mi tingting God i no pasim Jisas,
Em i kamdaun i dai long helpim mi
Long diwai kros blut bilong em i kapsait
Bel bilong mi em i kirap nogut

Verse 3
Taim Kraist i kam na singaut long ol Kristen,
Na kisim mi i go long ples heven
Mi brukim skru na givim biknem long em,
Tokaut long em, O God, yu Nambawan