Be a Part

We are excited to be a part of advancing the spread of the Gospel, but we know that we can't do this job alone. We have to rely on God first and foremost for the strength to live life overseas. But we also need to rely on other people to support, pray for, and encourage us in this journey. We may be the ones on the ground, but we need a team that will commit to stand with us. We want to work together as the body of Christ to finish this task of reaching all nations with the Gospel.

We would love to have you join us! You can be a part of our team in several ways.

  • Send us by praying. Prayer is so vital. We will need God's guidance and strength in so many areas. We are so grateful for your prayers for us!
  • Send us by giving. God continues to provide for our financial needs for daily life and ministry in PNG. If you are interested in giving financially, click here for more information.
  • Send by encouraging. We appreciate hearing from you, and we love to connect with fellow believers and friends! It encourages our hearts and minds to hear from you and to be a part of your life.

Thank you all so, so much for considering how you can be a part of our sending team. We are so humbled and grateful, and we look forward to sharing in the joy of all that God is going to do in the months and years ahead!