When you mail a package, please make sure to hold on to the tracking number and send it to us in an email or Facebook message. Recently, the Papua New Guinea postal service has changed the way they process packages, so we may need the tracking number if the package gets stopped in customs. If you would like to keep your package a secret, please periodically check on the status of the package to ensure that it has cleared customs. If you notice it has been stopped, then you can send us the tracking number so we can call the Post Office in Port Moresby and arrange to pay any customs fees that might be needed.
If you're wanting to send a package, the we would recommend placing any food items in Ziploc bags, because it helps keep out rats and ants. :)
Chocolate tends to melt, but other than that, we always love receiving any kinds of snacks or candy! We also love easy meals, small toys, books, kids' art supplies, family movies, hand drawn pictures, fun snacks, nice smelling body wash, Ziploc bags, common spices, small flashlights, etc. Pretty much anything that smells or tastes like America. :)