Saturday, August 1, 2015

Our Little Buckaroo

Ok maybe I am (incredibly) biased, but I kinda think Kyler is just about the cutest baby out there. Agreed? Ok, good now we can move on. :)

He just turned 3 months old a few days ago. He loves life, and we love him!


His current favorite things (that I can tell so far): "talking" to people, just being with people in general, playing "rough", bright colorful lights or toys, being sung to or listening to music

Personality: Quick to smile and laugh and usually only cries if he's really needing something, loves to be with people

This month's accomplishments: Rolled over once from his tummy to his back. Oh, and he found his hand to suck on… not sure if that's an accomplishment, but anything for a baby is pretty good.

It's been such an incredible blessing to have this little guy in our lives. We can't really imagine life without him. We are excited to share this ministry in PNG with him, and he is already a big help to our little family team. The national people absolutely adore him, and talking about him or to him makes for a great ice-breaker with strangers. I'm sure he doesn't have a clue that he is such a big help to us as we start to learn the trade language, but hey, it's pretty awesome that he can have a part at 3 months old! :)

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