Friday, March 15, 2013

Field Fair and Q&A

This last week at MTC was Field Fair. We had missionary representatives from almost every field that NTM serves in come and talk to us. It was a very exciting time listening to what God is doing around the world through NTM missionaries. Actually, NTM is not solely focused on the remote tribal groups. They also work in countries where it is illegal or very difficult to share the Gospel. This means they work in tribal groups that may be closer to cities. It was interesting hearing about this work.

Through listening to the different missionaries, God further confirmed that He wants me to go to PNG, and I was able to get a TON of information about what life will look like for me over there.

I am sure many of you would like to know more about PNG and my future ministry/life there. I'd love to answer your questions, because I know it's sometimes hard to get a good understanding of what missionaries' lives look like overseas. If you have a question for me, please feel free to send it to me (either via e-mail or via the comment box), and I will compile the questions and post them on my blog. I can't promise I will be able to answer every single question, but I will definitely try to find the answer! No question is too small! :-)

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