Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 4

We just learned in our NTM History class today that Day 4 of classes was the day when 14 of the first New Tribes trainees were killed as they helped fight a forest fire out in California back in the 1940s. They tried to escape the oncoming fire, but, instead of moving uphill as expected, the fire moved down into the valley where the men were hiding. The underbrush was so thick that they couldn't escape. Yikes. That was a pretty sobering (not to mention slightly nerve-wracking?) way to start out the day.

But the cool thing was, the widows of the men continued to work with NTM, and they didn't take the disaster as an opportunity to give up. They were so dedicated to getting the Gospel out that they didn't leave, even though their husbands had died.

All that to say, NTM has a very rich and deep heritage. Many people have given their lives for the cause of winning souls to Christ, and that is so cool to hear. It challenges me to be willing to give everything as well. After all, that's what Christ calls us to do, right?

Ok, so on a lighter note, we've finished orientation (finally!) and we had our first official class today about learning styles. It was SUPER fun and interesting! We'll be continuing this class through Tuesday. I learned today that I am a Concrete Sequential learner. This means that I like order, logical sequence, following directions, predictability, and getting facts. I think this is a prety accurate description of myself, but I might be slightly biased... :D

Work detail has been pretty fun so far since I've only had to work one day this week haha. I'm working at the Front Office, which is pretty cool! I get to answer the phone, make copies and send faxes for people, and do other administrative tasks. It's kind of nice because I get air conditioning (and heat in the winter, yay!), and apparently, I'll have a lot of extra time for homework. That will be great!

Speaking of homework, we got our first assignment today (due tomorrow afternoon). We have to describe a worldview and where the concept is found in the Bible. Should be pretty fun! This will probably be the easiest assignment we get the whole semester hahaha. ;-)

I'll be taking and posting some more pics very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Let's hear it for "concrete sequential" types! Me too!
